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Team Events
Consultation 034 533 34 35
Team Events arranges excursions for companies throughout Switzerland.

Failing successfully

Failing successfully
Failing successfully
Failing successfully
Failing successfully
Failing successfully
Failing successfully
Failing successfully
If you lead an active life, you are bound to fail from time to time. Learn how to become more successful thanks to greater serenity.

Success with the necessary composure

"Try again. Fail again. Fail better." This quote from Samuel Beckett sums up the fact that we all fail from time to time. But it also says that we can fail "better". But how can we do that? The big difference between ordinary failure and successful failure lies in how we deal with it. In this workshop, you will learn to react to failure with composure and to achieve your goals courageously and creatively despite setbacks. Thanks to humor, you will fail "better" the next time and be able to manage even difficult situations with confidence.

Aims and content of the workshop

In this workshop, you will discover and refine your personal sense of humor. You will practise reacting confidently in unpleasant situations, find creative solutions in problematic situations, expand your repertoire of actions and learn how to deal calmly with pressure to perform. You can look forward to the following content and topics:

  • Change of perspective: the benefits of failure
  • How failure can be a relief
  • The humor potential of failure
  • Integrating what you have learned into everyday situations
  • Activating your own resources

Your workshop leader

An expert in business humor and communication, she studied German language and literature at the University of Zurich, was a secondary school teacher and university lecturer, worked in a theater and was a freelance journalist and author. After further training at the Anthony Robbins Leadership University and the Tamala humor school in Constance, among others, she became a trainer and coach in 2004. Her clients include insurance companies, banks, universities and personalities from the fields of sport, education and management.


Size of group

8 to 50 people


1-3 h


all year round


All of Switzerland



Costs [CHF]

Workshop, approx. 1 hour.
8 - 30 pers. 1'000.00  flat-rate
31 - 50 pers. 1'500.00  flat-rate
51 - 200 pers. 2'000.00  flat-rate
201 - 1000 pers. on demand
Workshop 2 to 3 hours.
from 8 pers. on demand

Included in the price

-   Individual preparation
-   Management of the workshop

Not included

-   Travel expenses of the workshop leader
-   Possible local rent

Customers' views on this offer

Roger Ammon, Ausgleichskasse Basel-Stadt


Das Seminar war lustig und unterhaltsam. Empfehlung: 2 Stunden ist zu kurz; lieber 3-4 Stunden planen!

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